Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Decline of a nation

The dissipation of this nations infrastructure Is not due to just political downfalls, social degradation, or economic woes, but it is due to spiritual factors. The political, economic, and social problems we encounter are the symptoms of the spiritual deterioration of a nation.

Just as we as saved people know that there are spiritual principles that influence our life as an individual. There are also spiritual principles that govern the life of nations, and even though we may think that these principles are difficult to discern, in reality they are very visible to anyone who is willing submit to God and to look at the record of history for this nation, and what it has stood for all the years since it's inception.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Requirements to hold Office in US Government

What is sad is that these are the only requirements listed for holding these offices of power within our government. Doesn't require any experience, or background in politics even though many of the holders of these offices are career politicians and many times corruption flows through their veins.

Also included are their term limits.


Only native-born U.S. citizens (or those born abroad, but only to parents at least one of whom was a U.S. citizen at the time) may serve president of the United States

One must also be at least 35 years of age to be president.

Finally, one must live in the United States for at least 14 years to be president, in addition to being a natural-born citizen.

Limited to being elected to a total of 2 four-year terms (except that a president who has already completed more than two years of an unfinished term may be elected in his own right only once); becoming President by succession may happen to someone an unlimited number of times (for example, if he is Vice President and the President dies or resigns).


Be at least 25 years of age.

Be a citizen of the United States for at least seven years prior to election.

Be a current resident of the state he or she is chosen to represent.

Unlimited two-year terms (This is wrong due to the corruption that has overtaken our government) This needs to be corrected before the career corrupt politicians run our country into the ground.


Be a U.S. citizen for at least nine years at the time of election to the Senate.

Be a current resident of the state one is elected to represent in the Senate.

Unlimited six-year terms (This too is wrong due to the corruption that has overtaken our government) This needs to be corrected a well before the career corrupt politicians run our country into the ground.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Downhill slowly but surely

Daily as we watch the news, and various other TV programs we see this nation sliding downhill into th muck and mire of the world. Giving up on families, giving up on God, and most of all giving up on the founding fathers ideas they had for this nation. Freedom is slowly becoming a thing of the past and is being replaced by the socialistic ideas of the government elite, and rich. When are the people going to stand and say enough is enough? When are we going to get someone or many someones in government offices that are going to focus on America, not every third world nation and country facing turmoil outside our borders? When I say?

How can we as a nation stand by and try to dictate to people how they are supposed to be free, and practice being democratic when we can't even do it ourselves? There is something terribly wrong with this nation, and it didn't just start 8 years ago with the election of the sitting person in the white house, and I don't call him president anymore because he has taken that position and used it for his own personal agenda and not what it was meant to stand for as the leader of a nation. He is just a person in office just like senators and congressman are too. They maintain a position and that's about it. They have forgotten why they are there and what they are supposed to stand for and the American people should be getting fed up with it, but unfortunately they are not.